Monday, January 7, 2019


today's date in history

nbc news says labor mp jo cox was murdered by a white supremacist during the heated brexit debate in 2016

the miami herald says 2 parkland highschool shooting survivors have committed suicide

the verge says apple is ready to release its venture into original content today

the portland press herald says entrepeneural oriented greenlight maine announces the seaweed harvesting company ocean's balance won award for best new maine start up company

  • cnbc says gold bumps up amid recession rumors

cnbc also says asian stocks fell also due to recession concerns

science news says world's oldest astrolabe has been discovered 

usa today says the miami marlins' aa afilliate says it will break a weird florida law every inning in it's july 26th game with the biloxi shuckers

rejection letter a

the church of soteria

world clock time and day

international calender date today

google calculator

metric to u s standard conversions

s&p credit rating of nations

moody's credit rating of nations

fitch's credit rating for nations

how to purchase u s treasury securities

treasury bonds

treasury bills

treasury notes


oil price today

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

european market

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar
church of the lavender stone store

inflation index

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

d'arcy wretzky news

weather emergencies

science news

invention news

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opinion

checking account rewards january 2019

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