today's date wiki
bbc news says texas teen india landry was expelled from school last year for refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance even though a
1943 u s supreme court case ( west virginia board of education vs barnett ) says students cannot be forced to recite the pledge
usa today says fed raises rates again as
nasdaq says oil prices rise after broken iran deal creates middle east tensions
u s news says iranian president hassan ruohani said wednsday iran does not want war with the u s as
john bolton says there will be 'hell to pay' for iran and 14 other countries backing the
jcpoa iran nuclear deal made with the u s and the 5 other nations of the u n permanent security council in 2015
flint michigan's abc 12 says a 12 year old boy stole a flint police car after locking himself in his father's car during a domestic dispute
bbc papers show newspaper headlines claiming the assassin who used the russian nerve agent novichuk in an
attemped assassination of 4 people in britain was a russian war hero decorated by putin, according to video footage from the crime scene
mashable says on september 21 st, 2018 a texas prison received a donation of 45 boxes of bananas which also contained $18 million worth of cocaine