Wednesday, October 20, 2021

wednesday october 20th, 2021 - post link fb link

- tech start ups december 20th, 2019

forget your girlfriend going ballistic on you for not remembering her dry cleaning, now china is threatening to go hypersonic on the u s for electing trump and starting a trade war 

'Hypersonic flight is flight through the atmosphere below about 90 km at speeds ranging between Mach 5-10, a speed where dissociation of air begins to become significant and high heat loads exist.'


"This was not a missile, this was a spacecraft," he said. "This is of great significance for reducing the cost of spacecraft use.'

- bbc tuesday, october 19th, 2021

steve bannon defies subpoena from  the u s congress he tried to usurp - now he has to wear camo and only go out at night like the rest of us with active warrants

'"Based on the committee's investigation, it appears that Mr. Bannon had substantial advanced knowledge of the plans for January 6 and likely had an important role in formulating those plans," Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming, said at the meeting.'

- business insider october 20th, 2021

the shelves are bare because the u s is in panic buying mode as fears of rising prices cause rising prices

- yahoo news october 18th, 2021

the wall street journal tries to explain why the covid vaccines only last a short time while the vaccines we got as children lasted a lifetime without mentioning corporations

'Historically, the most effective vaccines have used replicating viruses, which essentially elicit lifelong immunity.

Measles and chickenpox vaccines use replicating viruses.

Non-replicating vaccines and protein-based vaccines (such as the one for tetanus) don’t last as long, but their effectiveness can be enhanced with the addition of an adjuvant—a substance that enhances the magnitude of the response.

Tetanus and hepatitis A vaccines use an adjuvant.'

this has been your morning brief for wednesday, october 20th, 2021 if you know what's good for you, you will call you mother and not that 1-900 number

- rather rare records

you may enter the info vault...

today's u s defense readiness condition : defcon 4

space weather update

crisis watch

today's day and date in history: wednesday...october 20th

world clock time and day

international calender date today

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