Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - post link

-  is it real or...


video report

welcome to afternoon update for october 27th 2021 the first day of the rest of your dreams

alexa is accused of spying

'you are very good at baccarat...i don't think we've been introduced ms....'

'alexa, amazon alexa'

actually, we tried getting alexa to say 'alexa, amazon alexa' but she wouldn't

why wouldn't you say that alexa ?



'Last year, an ex-Amazon exec admitted that he turns his Alexa off to stop strangers listening in on his conversations.

That's because Amazon was sometimes sending your voice clips off to "graders".

These workers will listen to clips to make sure Alexa is working as intended – improving the system all round.'

- the sun october 25th, 2021

the just released john hinckley, jr had cowritten a 1982 song with devo, and now he wants his royalties so he can treat jodie foster like a lady deserves to be treated

- john hinckley jr

- jodie foster

- devo

"Back in 1982 I co-wrote a song with DEVO called 'I Desire". It is on their album 'Oh No, It's DEVO,'" Hinckley tweeted. "The album is still selling worldwide, especially in Japan and Europe. I haven't seen royalties in 35 years. What's the deal?"

- john hinckley jr

- newsweek october 26th, 2021

trump told his supporters to assault protesters and that he would pay their legal bills so now he is being deposed by victims of those assaults, but it is unclear if he will pay putin's legal bills for the murdered journalists

'Their attorneys subpoenaed Trump in the case, saying in court filings that the guards attacked their clients as part of their official duties. They cited Trump's comments at rallies in which he told attendees to be violent toward people who disrupted his events.'

- insider october 26th, 2021

- trump assault victims

sadly, a 96 year old hiroshima nuclear attack survivor - who dedicated his life to ending nuclear warfare - passed away from anemia on october 24th, and reportedly did not not say when asked about his life:

 'i had a blast'


'Tsuboi died Oct. 24 in a hospital in Hiroshima in southwestern Japan. The cause of death was given as an irregular heartbeat caused by anemia, Nihon Hidankyo, the nationwide group of atomic bomb survivors he headed until his death, said Wednesday.'

- u s news and world report october 27th, 2021

'hello from venus'

you may enter the info vault...

today's u s defense readiness condition : defcon 4

space weather update

crisis watch

today's date in history: wednesday...october 27th

- the roman emporer constantine was said to have received his vision of the cross on this date in they year 312 a d, which transformed the roman empire into a christian organization -

world clock  time and day

international calender date today

google calculator

metric to u s standard conversions

google news updates

s&p credit rating of nations

moody's credit rating of nations

fitch's credit rating for nations

how to purchase u s treasury securities

treasury bonds

treasury bills

treasury notes

inventory to sales ratio


oil price today

oil price historical

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

inflation index

u s inflation historical

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

d'arcy wretzky news

banksy news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opinion

veg news

art news

invention news

science news

music news


news satire the onion

news satire faux news fb

bdn cartoonist george danby fb

news of the world

news of the weird

you can copy paste these links below to your google facebook then add each facebook news service to your home screen by clicking the top 3 dots at the right of the google search bar and clicking 'add to home screen' :



stars and stripes:


military times:

the bangor daily news:

popular mechanics:

cbs news news:

abc news:

san francisco chronical:


berkshire eagle:

los angeles times:

news break:


business insider







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