Wednesday, September 19, 2018

morning brief

huff post says kavanaugh likes his clerks/hotties to look a certain way

the military times reports the $647 billion  u s military budget has been voted on and passed by congress on tuesday just before the deadline imposed by the new federal fiscal year beginning october 1st

abc news says the trump administration two days ago removed an obama administration rule enforcing petroleum companies to keep natural gas from escaping into the atmosphere when drilling

bbc news said this morning colombian coca production which is the plant cocaine is derived from increased 31% from 2016 to 2017 as the total acreage for coca farming increased 17%

colombia's new president ivan duque said the government would create a new policy to fight the cocaine trade through the next four years while some say the rebel group f a r k has opened up the cocaine trade by stopping their production and turning over a new leaf after the 2016 peace deal stopping 50 years of violence between the group and the colombian government

president duque's predecessor, juan santos, ceased aerial spraying of coca crops with glyphosate in 2015 because w h o said it causes cancer

the charleston, sc the post and courier reported yesterday that china has imposed $60 billion in new tariffs on us goods in retaliation which the trump administration said would trigger $267 billion in u s tariffs against china in retaliation for china retaliating

 bbc news says weather system ali struck britain and ireland with 100 mph winds yesterday

news of the weird says a woman claims she came to earth to help humans become elves

  • reuters said yesterday that north korea and south korea will host together the 2032 olympic games and will compete jointly in the 2020 tokyo olympics

nbc news and reuters say   china headquartered alibaba's chairman jack ma said wednsday that the company won't be able to create one million jobs in the u s because of trade war

  • two days ago in not the onion (headlines that sound like they are from the onion but are actually real news headlines) the bbc reports the town paper of uranus, missouri decided to call their paper the uranus examiner, which debuted the wednsday before last

breaking (12:24 pm thursday) the capital-gazette says a rite aid shooter killed three in the town of  aberdeen in harford county, maryland

 capital gazette update shooter was a temp worker who died from a self inflicted wound and had gotten into an argument at the time clock at the rite aid distribution center that packs and ships pills to over 2,500 rite aids

there were 8 victims including 3 people who died from the attack the shooter who committed suicide and 4 people who were injured
  • the right aid in our town closed last winter as part of a massive restructuring that saw over 1,900 rite aid stores sold to walgreens which plans to close about 630 of them

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