Friday, September 21, 2018

today's date wiki

the capital gazette and washington post report a man shot police breaking into his and his daughter's home in the 2700 block of loring drive in the town of forestville in prince george's county, maryland after a swat team was tricked into prying open his door around 10:30 pm wednsday night

fortunately, the man may have been white, helping him and his daughter survive after yelling ' you have the wrong address '

nbc news says kavanaugh victim sets rules she would be willing to testify under not including a fake car to hop in one door and out the other into another waiting car like the beatles in a hard day's night

there are more conditions listed in the nbc article fb comments here

breaking: cbs news says there has been a stabbing at a queens, ny day care early this morning with multiple people injured, including the attacker who was female two children have been reported in critical condition

shades of general edwin walker: bbc reports marine le pen has been ordered to a psyciachtric facillity for sharing beheading vids

kavanaugh: a model of model hiring ? business insider says kavanaugh's yale law clerk groomer told applicants the judge wanted them to look like models

buzzfeed says uk is looking at creating. mandatory internet rules to verify ages for users and regulate content for hate speech, child porn, terrorism and possibly other content

wiki says c e t a agreement lowers tariffs between the e u and canada while trump's tariffs...

trump's tariffs wiki says trump raised tariffs on e u goods by $3 billion

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