Friday, September 28, 2018

cbs news says las angelas band spirit, which toured with led zepelin in 1968, claim their 1968 song 'taurus' inspired intro to 'stairway to heaven'

an appeals court said spirit's song 'taurus' should have been allowed to be played in an earlier court case

Thursday, September 27, 2018

" She received national attention when she first dismissed the sexual harassment lawsuit brought by Paula Jones against President Bill Clinton in 1998, and then, in 1999, found Clinton to be in civil contempt of court. "

" A conservative Republican,[2] Wright worked for the reelection campaign of Republican Representative John Paul Hammerschmidt in 1974,[3] who defeated Clinton by 6,000 votes in what was the future president's first run for political office, and Clinton's only competitive electoral defeat.[citation needed] "

rolling stone in august, 2018 found brett kavanaugh asking president clinton very graphic questions as assistant to special prosecutor kenneth starr during the monica lewinski scandal

clinton was aquitted of all charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in the impeachment hearings and guilty of giving misleading testimony in a civil case by conservative  civil court judge susan webber wright

ny mag said this morning that the the s e c is planning to sue elon musk for fraud for saying on twitter that he was thinking about taking tesla private and saying he had the funding when he was making a joke about the per share price being $420 after recently learning of the 4:20 drug culture reference

the rock hill harald says sadly that the body of 6 year old maddox ritch was found in long creek in charlotte, nc in 2 to 3 feet of water partially camoflaged by debris

the boy's body was found downstream from the park where he went missing

bbc news says amazon is planning to open 4 star amazon stores selling only amazon products rated with 4 review stars has a stunning pictoral review of international artists turning trump's insult into an artistic triumph :

the week says a preacher claims confederate soldiers fought dinosaurs

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

today's date wiki

bbc news says texas teen india landry was expelled from school last year for refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance even though a 1943 u s supreme court case ( west virginia board of education vs barnett ) says students cannot be forced to recite the pledge

usa today says fed raises rates again as nasdaq says oil prices rise after broken iran deal creates middle east tensions

u s news says iranian president hassan ruohani said wednsday iran does not want war with the u s as john bolton says there will be 'hell to pay' for iran and 14 other countries backing the jcpoa iran nuclear deal made with the u s and the 5 other nations of the u n permanent security council in 2015

flint michigan's abc 12 says a 12 year old boy stole a flint police car after locking himself in his father's car during a domestic dispute

bbc papers show newspaper headlines claiming the assassin who used the russian nerve agent novichuk in an attemped assassination of 4 people in britain was a russian war hero decorated by putin, according to video footage from the crime scene

mashable says on september 21 st, 2018 a texas prison received a donation of 45 boxes of bananas which also contained $18 million worth of cocaine

cnbc says u s wheat exports down while s&p global says russian wheat exports rose 60% in 2018 after trump tariffs

s&p global says russian wheat exports are up 60% in 2018

cnbc says united states wheat expoaare good forts are down as much as 70% in 2018

trump's tariffs making russia great again

cnbc august 24, 2018
s&p global september 3, 2018

jill stein received 3 times as many votes as she did in 2012 without infringing on hillary's 2.1 % popular vote victory or her tdms pre adjusted exit poll victories in nc, penn, wis, + fla #votingjustice

exit polls from tdms research show bernie sanders winning many states where he lost the recorded vote in the democratic primary and hillary clinton winning many states the recorded vote says she lost in the general election

jill stein was blocked by judges in pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan from her constitutional right to have the private corporation voting machine sourcecode, which has never been tested for errors or malicious coding that could alter vote tallies, independently audited "

usa today says fed raises rates again as nasdaq says oil prices rise after broken iran deal creates middle east tensions

usa today september 26, 2018

afternoon coffee and pastry

nbc news says a chicago activist chased hit and run driver who hit a female bicyclist then was fataly shot by a drive by shooter while confronting the hit and run driver the bicyclist was unharmed

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

today's date wiki

abc news says missing charlotte, north carolina boy has autism

outer banks news and wncn cbs 17 in corolla, north carolina say a strange rusted object with metal fins and a solar powered light washed up on the shores of the outer banks earlier this year

  • it is located at Currituck milepost 3.5 at Pine Island.

bbc news says genetically modified mosquitos don't bite and don't lay eggs

cnbc says u s wheat exports down while s&p global says russian wheat exports rose 60% in 2018 after trump tariffs

huff post has video of padel player smashing through glass wall last saturday, september 22

bbc news says electrical stimulation patch worn over the spinal chord helps paralyzed people walk again

cbs news says scrabble has added 300 new words to the scrabble dictionary

you've been briefed

Friday, September 21, 2018

the coin telegraph and reuters say venezuela's alleged oil backed currency the petro - is ready to be traded

today's date wiki

the capital gazette and washington post report a man shot police breaking into his and his daughter's home in the 2700 block of loring drive in the town of forestville in prince george's county, maryland after a swat team was tricked into prying open his door around 10:30 pm wednsday night

fortunately, the man may have been white, helping him and his daughter survive after yelling ' you have the wrong address '

nbc news says kavanaugh victim sets rules she would be willing to testify under not including a fake car to hop in one door and out the other into another waiting car like the beatles in a hard day's night

there are more conditions listed in the nbc article fb comments here

breaking: cbs news says there has been a stabbing at a queens, ny day care early this morning with multiple people injured, including the attacker who was female two children have been reported in critical condition

shades of general edwin walker: bbc reports marine le pen has been ordered to a psyciachtric facillity for sharing beheading vids

kavanaugh: a model of model hiring ? business insider says kavanaugh's yale law clerk groomer told applicants the judge wanted them to look like models

buzzfeed says uk is looking at creating. mandatory internet rules to verify ages for users and regulate content for hate speech, child porn, terrorism and possibly other content

wiki says c e t a agreement lowers tariffs between the e u and canada while trump's tariffs...

trump's tariffs wiki says trump raised tariffs on e u goods by $3 billion