Friday, September 17, 2021


welcome to afternoon update, friday september 17, 2021 close the door you're letting in the flies

texans storm a new york city restaurant over vaccine policy as they branch out to spread the good covid news to the whole world with joyful wheezes

'The three suspects, whose ages are 21, 44 and 49, were taken to NYPD's nearby 24th precinct station house, police said.

The attack comes as New York City this week became to first major U.S. city to require hospitality, entertainment and fitness businesses to ask customers for proof of vaccination to gain access to indoor venues. Any business that fails to comply could face a $1,000 fine'

- nbc news september 17, 2021

china finds the u s and australia irresponsible for trying to protect themselves

'It will let Australia build nuclear-powered submarines for the first time, using technology provided by the US.

The Aukus pact, which will also cover AI and other technologies, is one of the countries' biggest defence partnerships in decades, analysts say.

China has condemned the agreement as "extremely irresponsible".'

non-fungible-tokens (nfts) are block chain coded computer art that allegedly can not be copied and therefore are presumably collectible, like taylor swift's boyfriends, as this former tile installer shows us with his almost overnight million dollar nft company 'artblocks'

'Calderon continued to watch as NFTs tried and failed to make their way into the mainstream with projects he felt were interesting but not truly taking advantage of the blockchain. “Ninety percent of the projects that were released between 2017 and 2020 were ‘square peg, round hole,'” Calderon said. “Projects that could use blockchain but were better off using legacy systems.” '

u k car manufacturers began installing artificial noise makers on e v cars to avoid colliding with blind people while in the u s car manufacturers are relying on the victims already stacked up on the cars' front grills to yell out a warning to the blind

'RNIB Cymru and Guide Dogs Cymru said the quiet vehicles must be made louder.

They said despite a noise-emitting device being mandatory for all UK-registered electric vehicles since July, some drivers switched it off.'

- bbc news september 16th, 2021

back to morning brief

today's u s defense readiness condition : defcon 4

today's date in history:

world clock time and day

international calender date today

google calculator

metric to u s standard conversions

google news updates

s&p credit rating of nations

moody's credit rating of nations

fitch's credit rating for nations

how to purchase u s treasury securities

treasury bonds

treasury bills

treasury notes


oil price today

oil price historical

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

inflation index

u s inflation historical

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

d'arcy wretzky news

banksy news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opinion

veg news

art news

invention news

science news

music news


news satire the onion

news satire faux news fb

bdn cartoonist george danby fb

news of the world

you can copy paste these links below to your google facebook then add each facebook news service to your home screen by clicking the top 3 dots at the right of the google search bar and clicking 'add to home screen' :



stars and stripes:


military times:

the bangor daily news:

popular mechanics:

cbs news news:

abc news:

san francisco chronical:


berkshire eagle:

los angeles times:

news break:


business insider



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