Monday, October 25, 2021 - post link

this first story, the shooting death on the 'rust' movie, defies belief as way too many checks and safety measures were completely ignored leading to the death of a ukrainian investigative journalist who turned into a talented cinematographer while doing russian based documentaries for britain's sun newspaper, leading newspage to ask what do you call the unlikely death of a journalist spread on a cracker ?

'putin on the ritz'

'Sources involved in the production told the celebrity website TMZ that the gun was used for recreational purposes off set, with real ammunition that may have accidentally been left in the weapon when it was handed to Baldwin, 63, during a rehearsal.'

- the times october 24th, 2021

magnetic radiowave tunnels spread out for light years from earth possibly explaining vitas's 'chum chum bedrum

'The curving tendrils — which are made of both charged particles and a magnetic field, and resemble long, thin ropes — project outward from the North Polar Spur and the Fan Region. Not only could the strange cosmic ropes link the two regions, but they could form something akin to "a curving tunnel" where the tendrils are like "the lines formed by the tunnel lights and road lane marker," the researchers said.'

- live science october 23rd 2021

retaining wall wind generators let us 'ride like the wind to be free again'

“Instead of the typical retaining walls along roads and freeways, you’d have an array of these,” Doucet told Fast Company. “With the added wind boost from trucks, our highways could take care of all our energy needs.”

- zme science october 19th, 2021

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