Sunday, September 19, 2021

morning brief

 sunday, september 19th, 2021

morning brief is ready, are you ?

welcome to newspage chin up, coffee-cup !

lawyers for wilmerhale say the world bank skewed a report on china's business climate to favor china

- like the socialist market economy nation needed help now as it has been the fastest growing economy for a number of years with it's famous commie billionaires taylored in saville row suits and driving showroom bobbed hair blondes themselves driving ev lamborghinis

'The World Bank, based in Washington, is among the world’s largest sources of development funding. “Doing Business,” which evaluates a country's tax burdens, bureaucratic obstacles, regulatory system and other business conditions, is used by some governments to try to attract investment. The report ranks countries on such factors as how straightforward or burdensome it is to register a business, legally enforce a contract, resolve a bankruptcy, obtain an electrical connection or acquire construction permits.'

- u s news and world report sunday september 19th, 2021


south korean scientists create chameleon clothes so k-pop stars can blend in with urban and rural settings to sort of hide from their fans until they stop looking and they can appear again when it is time for dinner

'“The colour information detected by sensors is transferred to a microprocessor and then to silver nanowire heaters. Once the heaters reach a certain temperature, the thermochromic liquid crystal layer changes its colour,” Ko said.'


russia routinely has hacked u s elections now it is ordering big tech to pull down posts it doesn't like in approach of it's own rigged elections or else face fines and bans 

but russia still gets mad if you call it a dictatorship, then orders you not to

'The Russian government is increasingly pressuring American technology companies to take down content from their platforms with threats of fines, throttling and criminal prosecution for local staff ahead of this weekend’s parliamentary election.

The breadth of the censorship demands, backed by recently-passed laws targeting content deemed to be illegal, are challenging the internet companies’ commitments to human rights principles and internet freedom, experts say.'


purdue university put down their shots of whiskey with beer chasers to make a paint so white that it cools your house in the summer but haven't yet decided to name it 'white priviledge' or 'driving while white'

'Making this paint really reflective, however, also made it really white, according to Purdue University. The paint reflects 98.1% of solar radiation while also emitting infrared heat. Because the paint absorbs less heat from the sun than it emits, a surface coated with this paint is cooled below the surrounding temperature without consuming power.'

purdue university put down their shots of whiskey with beer chasers to make a paint so white that it cools your house in the summer but haven't yet decided to name it 'white priviledge' or 'driving while white

today's u s defense readiness condition : defcon 4

world clock time and day

international calender date today

google calculator

metric to u s standard conversions

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s&p credit rating of nations

moody's credit rating of nations

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prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

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today's exchange rate of dollar 

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d'arcy wretzky news

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new yorker cartoon of the day

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