Monday, March 29, 2021

march 29, 2021


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'yeah, that's the ticket' - liar guy snl

bbc news says mexico is the first nation to admit it has been fudging it's covid numbers, which it now revised to be 60% higher than previously believed:

- bbc news, march 29th 2021

abc news said yesterday the average price of gas rose 5 cents per gallon last week

'The price of gas has spiked 77 cents per gallon since Nov. 20 and is at the highest point since May 2019.

The highest average price in the nation right now is $3.94 a gallon in the San Francisco Bay Area. The lowest average is $2.54 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The average price of diesel also went up 5 cents over the same period to $3.14.'

- abc news march 28th, 2021

tiger investment management corporation was started by julian robertson, who closed the trading firm in 2000 and created 25 'tiger cubs' by funding them for shares of their fledgling investment companies

two of the tiger cubs, chase coleman lll and ole andreas halvorsen graduated graduated from williams college

'Nomura was one of at least five banks that provided prime brokerage services to Archegos, alongside Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and UBS, according to people close to the matter. Bankers in Tokyo have questioned why Nomura provided high amounts of leverage to Archegos, given Hwang’s historical regulatory problems.

Some banks banned all trading globally with [tiger club alumnus bill] Hwang after he settled with US regulators over illegal trading charges in 2012 and was banned from trading in Hong Kong in 2014. However, Nomura did not stop trading with Hwang at any point, according to a person close to the matter'

- financial times, march 29th, 2021

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