Wednesday, April 10, 2019

april 10th, 2019

today's date in history

today april 10th, 2019, cnn says israel's election for prime minister is too close to call:

usa today says aoc, chuck hagel and john kerry told republicans to read the 14 page non binding green new deal instead of fixating on alexandria ocasio cortez:

the poyntner institute blog says april 2nd was the 3rd international fact checking day sponsored by the international fact checking network:

science news said yesterday that chickens in florida are the first line of defense in the fight against mosquito borne illnesses by having their blood checked:

veg news said monday that an indiana company is building a vegan bacon factory:

whiteroseleaflets says on twitter you can get a ring stand to hold your phone with one finger at family dollar for $1

the bdn said yesterday that the u s uses 150 pounds of plastics per person each year

being liberal says the ny times says alaska's average temps in march were 20 ° warmer than usual:

news page said there was a fire in two possibly historic buildings in their headquarters' home town:

veg news says veterinarians wont treat cows unless they will be slaughtered 😱:

whiteroseleaflets' twitter page says you can put sticky tape velcro on the back of your phone and put a small opening in the other side of the velcro to put your phone charger cable through to snug it to your phone

cnn says it has the first pic of a black hole:

world clock time and day

international calender date today

google calculator

metric to u s standard conversions

s&p credit rating of nations

moody's credit rating of nations

fitch's credit rating for nations

how to purchase u s treasury securities

treasury bonds

treasury bills

treasury notes


oil price today

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

inflation index

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

d'arcy wretzky news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opinion

veg news


news satire the onion

news satire faux news fb

bdn cartoonist george danby fb

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