Thursday, December 27, 2018


nbc news says saudi king changed his cabinet after fallout for jamal khashoggi murder as oil prices fall - time to buy a royal ev limosine ?

bbc news says b e a systems fired 2,000 workers and recruited 700 apprentices to do their work for free

b e a systems wiki

mirror uk says a strange black ring was filmed over moscow friday, december 7th and that it appears to be a smoke ring

the daily beast reports russia has adopted the the u s pastime of bath salt abuse leading the world to wonder if anyone actually uses bath salts in a bath ?

w p i x says a strange blue haze formed over new york city last night after a transformer exploded and bob dylan said let con edison take the blame

the bangor daily news says the federal minimum wage has actually decreased in real wages, tho fortunately we are still not forced to pay to work...usually

daily beast says migrants to the u s are kept in u s prisons and forced to work for pennies a day but the free clothing is stylish

bdn editorial and opinion fb says there are many positive things about the new year as we usher in 2019 with a hopeful countenance and cheerful champagne cocktails

today's date in history

world clock time and day

international calender date today

google calculator

metric to u s standard conversions

s&p credit rating of nations

moody's credit rating of nations

fitch's credit rating for nations

how to purchase u s treasury securities

treasury bonds

treasury bills

treasury notes


oil price today

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

inflation index

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

d'arcy wretzky news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opinion




bbc news says china's crackdown on civil rights had led to this trial of a lawyer of a swedish activist peter dahlin and defender of the religious group falun gong

kenya today says university of leeds scholar and soccer player maina carlton was shot and killed by police in his hometown in kenya after attending a soccer match...keith richards is from leeds

pbs news says israel may have fired missles at syria as trump pulls out u s troops - possibly returning hezbollah christmas gifts ?

u p i says a canadian sanitation worker rescued a havahart trapped live skunk from being crushed by garbage truck's compactor, unclear how

ny times says saudi blockade on qatar caused qatar to leave opec, announcing it's departure on december 3rd, 2018

wiki says qatar blockade happened because saudis blamed qatar for helping the muslim brotherhood, al queda and isis - which qatar mostly denied doing

wiki says jamal khashoggi was murdered october 2nd, 2018

oil started falling oct 3rd the day after khashoggi was murdered

stocks have been dropping since january when trump's tax cuts took effect but began nosediving december 3 rd when qatar left o p e c




yahoo news says a woman in the u k noticed she was spending a lot and decided to not spend anything for a year

oil price today

today's date in history

world clock time and day

international calender date today

google calculator

s&p credit rating of nations

moody's credit rating of nations

fitch's credit rating for nations

how to purchase u s treasury securities

treasury bonds

treasury bills

treasury notes


oil price today

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

inflation index

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

d'arcy wretzky news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opininion


Sunday, December 23, 2018


bbc news said fb made secret deals to sell user data even after it had said it had stopped

- damian collins, member of british parlaiment chairing facebook investigation:

aljazeera says turkey is ramping up its military involvment in syria as the u s leaves

abc news says mt krakatoa erupted causing a tidal wave

nbc news says american craft breweries are making new kinds of saki

today's date in history

world clock time and day

international calender date today

google calculator



oil price today

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

change in the united states dollar vs mexican peso

prime rate and fed discount rate

inflation index

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

d'arcy wretzky news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

invention idea page
