Monday, November 13, 2023


treasury notes

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oil price today

oil price today with recorded delay in reporting

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today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

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new yorker cartoon of the day

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news satire the onion

news that sounds like it is from the onion but is not the onion

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unusual memes compilation

recent celebrity deaths

recent celebrity weddings

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recent celebrity divorces / breakups

Sunday, November 12, 2023


This is your afternoon brief for Sunday November 12, 2023 the first day of turning your clocks back 

try to turn them back to 1985 when we were all happy even tho we were all poor and miserable

Heating fluids with low boiling points to generate steam turbines sounds like fun, can you find one in the Victoria's Secret catalog ?

'Conceived in 1881 by French physicist Jacques Arsene d’Arsonval, OTEC harnesses heat from surface water, heats fluids with a low-boiling point, and uses the ensuing steam to drive turbines and thus generate electricity.

I think I shall never see a wind turbine as lovely as a tree !

Functional art or planet saving necessity ? Micro turbine wind trees generate electricity with a egalitarian aesthetic in crowded urban ecospaces

Maybe they can be pollinated by lightning bugs ! 🧚

Knock Knock !

Who is there ?

 What makes no sense what so ever but makes tons of dollars ?

I don't know, who ?

a: Big Oil as Crude prices rise while gas prices fall :

Hi ho, hi ho - it's back to Iraq we go 

U S F-15 Eagles strike weapons warehouse in Syria in support of Israel:

From 'News That Sounds Like it is from The Onion but Isn't':

An 89 year old man cuts his neighbors' hedges then thanks himself for it in the newspaper

Did 'Q' or 'Trevane' from 'Star Trek' put a giant question mark out in space to taunt u s ?

Kaptain's Log: I don't know 

this is your afternoon brief for Sunday November 12th, 2023 to go where no man has gone before: nordstrum's

Saturday, November 11, 2023


'Conceived in 1881 by French physicist Jacques Arsene d’Arsonval, OTEC harnesses heat from surface water, heats fluids with a low-boiling point, and uses the ensuing steam to drive turbines and thus generate electricity.

Unlike many other forms of renewable energy, OTEC is capable of running 24/7 and generating electricity at a consistent rate.

Today is Saturday

Today's date in history: November 11th

The year is 2023 Wikipedia

The Earth is 4.3 + billion years old

The Sun is 4.5 + billion years old

The Milky Way Galaxy is 13.6 + billion years old

The Universe is 13.7 + billion years old

World Clock Times and Dates

International Calender Date Today


I think I shall never see a wind turbine as lovely as a tree !

Functional art or planet saving necessity ? Micro turbine wind trees generate electricity with a egalitarian aesthetic in crowded urban ecospaces

Maybe they can be pollinated by lightning bugs ! 🧚

-As it is biomorphic, people cannot see at the first look that it is a renewable system,” says Luc Eric Krief, owner of New World Wind, the French company behind the ‘Aeroleaf’ technology.

The metal ‘trees’ have branches tipped with micro wind turbines resembling leaves.-


Knock Knock !

Who is there ?

 What makes no sense what so ever but makes tons of dollars ?

I don't know, who ?

a: Big Oil

Crude prices rise while gas prices fall :


Hi ho, hi ho - it's back to Iraq we go 

U S F-15 Eagles strike weapons warehouse in Syriain support of Israel:



From 'News That Sounds Like it is from The Onion but Isn't':

An 89 year old man cuts his neighbors' hedges then thanks himself for it in the newspaper


Did 'Q' or 'Trevane' from 'Star Trek' put a giant question mark out in space to taunt us ?

Kaptain's Log: I don't know !

What is it ? :


Danger Will Robinson ! Carnivores !

treasury notes

inventory to sales ratio


oil price today

oil price today with recorded delay in reporting

oil price historical

opec-plus news

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

inflation index

u s inflation historical

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

earn money quickly

d'arcy wretzky news

banksy news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

u s recalls

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opinion

veg news

art news

invention news

science news

music news


news satire the onion

news that sounds like it is from the onion but is not the onion

news satire faux news fb

bdn cartoonist george danby fb

news of the weird

npr strange news

unusual memes compilation

recent celebrity deaths

recent celebrity weddings

recent celebrity births

recent celebrity divorces / breakups

Video report image reference  links:


Our favorite Hot Wheels Car was whatever this model is at Ed Astley's garage here in Van Buren painted the same dark blue color

1968 Barracuda

rear side window looks different

- Hindustani Times November 9th, 2023

Chinese EV Car manufacturers XPing and Li Auto sold a record numbers of cars in September:

- CNBC November 2nd, 2023

2 year old gets a Grammy nomination:

- Daily Mail November 10, 2023

treasury notes

inventory to sales ratio


oil price today

oil price today with recorded delay in reporting

oil price historical

opec-plus news

prime rate and fed discount rate


russian micex stock market

asian markets

asian market charts

cryptocurrency values

today's exchange rate of dollar 

change in dollar exchange rate vs euro

change in dollar exchange rate vs canadian dollar

inflation index

u s inflation historical

u s real gross domestic product

u s public debt for government bond investment

outstanding debt securities

earn money quickly

d'arcy wretzky news

banksy news

weather emergencies

world news

u s news

world business news

us business news

u s recalls

invention idea page

new yorker cartoon of the day

bangor daily news editorial & opinion

veg news

art news

invention news

science news

music news


news satire the onion

news that sounds like it is from the onion but is not the onion

news satire faux news fb

bdn cartoonist george danby fb

news of the weird

npr strange news

unusual memes compilation

recent celebrity deaths

recent celebrity weddings

recent celebrity births

recent celebrity divorces / breakups